Egidijus Skrodenis
MC Mobility Consultants GmbH
Partner for Road Safety and Innovations
Egidijus Skrodenis is certified Road safety auditor and has more than 20 years of experience in road infrastructure, ITS and road safety planning, operations, management, and consulting. Extensive expertise Egidijus gained while he was acting as a head of road safety division at a Transport and Road Research Institute (Lithuania), later as a director-general of Lithuanian Road administration under ministry of Transport and Communications and at latest as a partner for road safety and innovations at MC Mobility Consultants GmbH (Austria).
During the years Egidijus was participating as a member of various international committees and organizations, such as CEDR, PIARC, BRA, etc.
For more than 12 years Egidijus Skrodenis was giving lectures at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) related with road safety infrastructure management, transport modeling, etc. Additionally, Egidijus was selected as EU TAIEX expert for traffic safety related missions to Serbia, Ukraine, Israel, Georgia, etc.
Egidijus is well-versed in both EU and post-Soviet road sector (including road safety) management and standardization. His experience includes hands-on experience managing the transition from post-Soviet standardization to EU standards, demonstrating a practical understanding of the challenges and nuances involved in this process.
During the carrier Egidijus has successfully managed implementation of various strategic planning, ITS, road safety related projects in Lithuania, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Latvia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, etc., and has been working with various public stakeholders (ministries, agencies, etc.), private companies and IFI's (EBRD, WB, ADB, KFV, GIZ, UNECE, EIB, etc.).
Finally, over 20 years of the Egidijus' carrier as the biggest achievements could be mentioned establishment of the national Lithuanian traffic information centre and developing and implementing national Lithuanian road safety strategy Vision Zero, which resulted in a substantial reduction of fatalities on Lithuanian roads, decreasing from approximately 740/y in 2007 to 170/y in 2018!