Road Safety Engineering Professional Primer Our Road Safety expert, Phillip Jordan, brings a systematic interpretation of “Road Safety Engineering”. The four “CAREC R...
CAREC Road Asset Management Maturity Assessment and Training of Trainers Workshop The CAREC Institute delivered a four-day virtual workshop on Road Asset Management (RAM) and RAM Systems held on 10-13 August 20...
Public Attitudes towards COVID-19 Vaccination in Selected CAREC Countries Workshop The workshop participants discussed the methodology of the research, juxtaposition of findings, analysis of the context, and sug...
COVID19 and Potential for Economic Recovery in CAREC Region Research Conference The CAREC Institute, in partnership with ADBI, organized a virtual research conference on 4-5 March 2021 with the theme of “COVI...
Knowledge-Sharing Module on CAREC Trade: Facilitating Trade Through Digital SPS Certification Workshop In 2015, the ministers of the CAREC countries endorsed the Common Agenda for the Modernization of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Mea...
Regional Improvement of Border Services Workshop The CAREC Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring (CPMM) mechanism indicates that a number of border crossing points in ...
Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor: Infrastructure and Trade Workshop This virtual workshop aims to update and upgrade the target participants’ knowledge and skills on the importance of regional inf...
International Symposium on Ecological Restoration and Management of the Aral Sea Workshop Located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, known as “Sea of islands”, the Aral Sea has been shrinking since the 196...
Application of HACCP Principles for the Meat Industry Online Course Meat and meat products are high-risk products requiring a high-level of food safety management controls to prevent food safety r...
Water Management in CAREC region Interview Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev, Deputy Director Two of CARCE Institute, water management expert, talks about water management in CAREC r...
Unlocking Private Investment for Sustainable Infrastructure Workshop Trillions of fund is demanded for sustainable infrastructure investment over the next decade to maintain growth momentum, eradic...
Road Asset Management and RAM System Workshop What is Asset Management? All activities required to define and provide the agreed level of service in the most cost-effective m...
Кыргыз Республикасында санариптик экономика үчүн жагымдуу шарттарды түзүү Модуль 5 Workshop Келечектеги санариптик электрондук коммерция көйгөйлөрү жана бизнес-планды иштеп чыгуу Повестка дня этого модуля заключается в т...
Кыргыз Республикасында санариптик экономика үчүн жагымдуу шарттарды түзүү Модуль 4 Workshop Санариптик электрондук коммерция технологиялары тармагындагы технологиялар жана стратегиялар. Мамилелер жана укуктук база. Бул м...
Кыргыз Республикасында санариптик экономика үчүн жагымдуу шарттарды түзүү Модуль 3 Workshop Санариптик электрондук коммерция технологияларынын ишкердик мисалдары Электрондук коммерция технологиялары жана мыкты тажрыйбала...