Household access to energy in the Fergana Valley – a multidimensional survey-based assessment in three CAREC countries Workshop The Fergana Valley spans over parts of the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. All three countries are working toward a ...
Regional Sustainable Development Cooperation Workshop The key objective of the webinar is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportuniti...
Enhancing Regional Trade Facilitation through National Single Window: Pakistan’s Experience Workshop This webinar aims to help participants learn about best practices and challenges related to the implementation and management of...
Regional Action on Climate Change CAREC Dialogue Series To support increased attention on climate change, the CAREC Secretariat commissioned the scoping study on regional climate chang...
Transport Corridors in CAREC Region: Supply Chain Resilience and Trade Facilitation Workshop The overall goal of this workshop is to bring together authors of the selected papers, and CAREC member country experts and othe...
Research Conference: Prospects for an Inclusive Green Growth and Sustainability in the CAREC Region Research Conference The third research conference catalyzed the sustainable delivery of research findings and their translation into policy prescrip...
The Seventh CAREC Think Tank Development Forum Forum The forum was held under the theme “Embracing Digital Technology for Sustainable Economic Development” and consisted of seven se...