Startup Generator: Empowering Regional Change through Entrepreneurship


Welcome to ” Startup Generator: Empowering Regional Change through Entrepreneurship,” a comprehensive e-learning course aimed at cultivating the entrepreneurial skills necessary to initiate and develop startups that address critical challenges in sustainable development, digital innovation, and economic inclusivity. This course serves as a springboard for young entrepreneurs to transform their innovative ideas into effective solutions and sustainable business ventures.

  • pdf Welcome Session Download
  • pdf Week 1: Understanding Regional Challenges and Opportunities Download
  • pdf Week 2: Ideation “How to create a startup“ Download
  • xlsx Problem Statement Canvas Download
  • pdf Week3: Understand & Build Business Model Download
  • other Business Model Canvas Download
  • other Business Model Canvas Examples Download
  • pdf Week 4: Problem and Solution Validation Download
  • pdf How to Create a Winning Pitchdeck? Download
  • pdf How to Use Landing Pages for Startup Experiments? Download
  • pdf Week 5: Prototyping and MVP Download
  • pdf Week 6: Pitch Deck Sample - TASS Vision Download
  • other USG2023 Demo Day Download
  • other Toptal Finance Download
  • other What is a pitch deck and who is it for? Download