CAREC FTA: Course 1C Trade Related Economic Analysis Online Course 1. General Summary of the Session This course offers an introductory overview of the main empirical method for trade policy asse...
CAREC FTA: Course 1B Trade Related Legal Skills Online Course This forty-five minute lecture provides an overview of some of the most important legal skills and concepts trade negotiators ne...
CAREC FTA: Course 1A Negotiations & Strategic Planning Online Course This sixty-minute lecture will introduce delegates to the most important elements to a successful negotiation and strategic step...
Data Standards and Interoperability as Catalysts for Innovation in Digital Health and Business Process Documentation Workshop The first part of the webinar provides introductory content and explores vital topics in health IT data use and interoperability...
Strengthening Drug Regulatory Capacity to Ensure the Quality of Imported Medicines in CAREC countries Workshop The expected outcome of the webinar series is to stimulate action to support national drug regulatory authorities in line with t...
Gravity Modeling and its Applications Module 5 Online Course Mr. Julian Hinz gives the 5-module course on Gravity Modeling and its applications.
Gravity Modeling and its Applications Module 4 Online Course Mr. Julian Hinz gives the 5-module course on Gravity Modeling and its applications.
Курс CAREC по безопасности дорожного движения и устойчивому транспорту: модуль 3 - Более безопасная дорожная инфраструктура Workshop Welcome to the Safer Road Infrastructure module of the Online Learning Platform of the CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobilit...
Gravity Modeling and its Applications Module 3 Online Course Mr. Julian Hinz gives the 5-module course on Gravity Modeling and its applications.
Курс CAREC по безопасности дорожного движения и устойчивому транспорту: модуль 2 - Более безопасные участники дорожного движения Workshop Welcome to the Safer Road User module of the Online Learning Platform of the CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility Course. ...
Gravity Model Q&A Session Workshop A Q & A session is provided to each module. Find the original online course here.
Курс РЭЦЦА «Безопасность дорожного движения и устойчивая мобильность»: Модуль 1 – Управление безопасностью дорожного движения Workshop Welcome to the Road Safety Management module of the Online Learning Platform of the CAREC Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility C...
Gravity Modeling and its Applications Module 2 Online Course Mr. Julian Hinz gives the 5-module course on Gravity Modeling and its applications.
Gravity Modeling and its Applications Module 1 Online Course Mr. Julian Hinz gives the 5-module course on Gravity Modeling and its applications.
Trade Facilitation in CAREC: A 10-year CPMM Perspective Workshop The CAREC initiative Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring (CPMM) has observed the development and provided empirical ...