Application of HACCP Principles for the Meat Industry


Meat and meat products are high-risk products requiring a high-level of food safety management controls to prevent food safety risks from causing harm to consumers. The main reasons for the meat industry to invest in modern risk-based food safety management systems are (i) protect the health of consumers; (ii) avoid financial losses and protect brand image due to outbreaks of foodborne diseases; (iii) avoid export bans; and (iv) avoid potential legal obligations due to failures in food safety management that resulted in serious consequences such as the death of consumers.

The advanced training course on application of hazard analysis critical control points (HACCP) principles was developed with a focus on the meat industry as meat and meat products have the highest level of food safety risk requiring the maximum level of food safety management controls. Further, the meat industry is of economic importance for all CAREC members.

Although the course has a focus on meat, the general principles for HACCP are applicable for all food processing industries. The course would be useful for food businesses in other sectors such as dairy, beverages and confectionary.

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